Everything you need for your beautiful website

Online store

Add and edit products

You can easily add new products to your online store and edit them. You can add more than one image to the product description (image zoom option included), as well as price, product code and detailed item description. Moreover, you can add additional product characteristics as color, size etc by which an user can make a selection. You have the option to hide a product from the online store but leave it and manage it in the online store admin panel.

Create product collections

You can group the products in different categories by creating collections. One product can be assigned to more than one collection.

Order management

When there is an online order accomplished through your online store, you get an automatic email notification including all the order data. The order will also be registered in the online store admin panel under “Orders” category. The orders are listed following a chronological order and contains all the provided information by the user.

Payment methods management

There are two main payment methods to be used for online shopping through Oxxy ecommerce module: PayPal payment and Offline payment. You can describe and publish online to your users all the necessary conditions for the Offline payment they should be familiar with. In order to use the PayPal option, you need to connect your PayPal account to the Oxxy platform.

Delivery methods and taxes

You can add different countries for your deliveries by specifying and setting, if necessary, different delivery service prices by country and courier. The admin panel allows you to insert more than one courier company. The same is valid for the tax rates which can be set separately for each country.


The prices of your products can be set in the currency you prefer.


Blog or a Blog section

Oxxy Blog module has been built to answer the different users’ needs. According to your objectives, you can create a separate blog website or if it is necessary to add a Blog section to your main website.

Create, edit and sort blog articles

Oxxy blog offers all the necessary functionalities which are necessary to create, edit or sort blog articles. You can sort the articles in chronological order by publishing date, as well to set a priority to certain titles. Moreover, you can create draft articles and classify them in different topics (categories) and add tags to the content.

Unlimited number of articles

You can publish the content you desire without limits of the number of articles or their volume. There are no limits as well to the number of images you can use to your content.


Shape your design

Use a set of provided geometrical shapes, which can be fully styled in order to create your stunning design. Use rectangles, circles, strips, lines, ellipses and much more.

Tons of free content

Directly insert images from our gallery for free if you wish. Each template comes with great website components that you can easily customize and make it yours.

Beautiful designs

Explore our unique professionally created themes. Personalize it your way by editing styles, colors, texts and fonts.

Custom Favicon

Create a small icon that appears on the tab of your browser and associates with your website. It is used next to the page`s name and on the browser`s address bar when the page is bookmarked.

Undoing and redoing (page editing)

These commands allow you to restore the most recent state of your website by clicking the marked buttons.

Page titles

You have the freedom to define your page titles which is important part of your SEO strategy.

Designed for any purpose

OXXY's responsive template designs are adaptable to any web browser and flexible to express yourself in different forms. All major templates include all the support features and content types, such as Image and Video galleries, social media buttons, customizable main menus, contact forms, Google maps integration and more.

Style Editor

WYSIWYG editor

Display precisely the appearance of the page you design. Our editor does a good job optimizing the screen display to the end result so users directly manipulate the layout of their page.

Direct editing

You can start editing straight away. Manage different Backgrounds, Corners, Outer and Inner Borders, Drop Shadows and much more. Play with all possible styles to create great designs.

Position elements one above another if you like

You can arrange elements one above another, show them in the order you like to bring your content as an astonishing part of your design.

Paypal Buy Now

Sell products or services directly from your website.

Text elements

Place your text content, edit and style it with your WYSIWYG editor.

Duplicate pages

Copy a whole page to ease your editing process.

Lock content

You can lock anything and make it a part of the background, so it cannot be moved unless you unlock it. This will allow you to create great designs, which will not interfere with your content.

Move elements with arrows for fine tuning

Additionally, you can move elements when they are selected just by pressing the arrow keys, or shift+arrow key to move it faster.

Menu Navigation

You can create menu elements with just a single click to provide navigation in your website. Style them the way you like. It will automatically create links to you pages, except the once you decided not to show.

Pin content to all pages

You can pin everything to be visible on all pages. It can be directly in the content or you can use your header and footer, which are created just for making it easier for you to make navigation, logos, and other content visible on all pages through a single element.

Unpin only from a certain page

You can pin to all pages, but require the content not to be shown on just a specific one. Yes you can do that and still use the pin to all pages feature.

Group Selection

Use your mouse to select a group of elements just by drawing a selection box around them. Work with elements just like how you are used to in most popular operating systems. You can also add or remove elements from a selection just by shift clicking them.

Group Aligning

Align elements horizontally and vertically when they are selected to the left, right, center, top or bottom.

Group actions

You can do all actions like deleting, bring forward or backward, lock, pin to all pages on the entire selection.

Button elements

If the main menu is not enough, add more button links to it providing customized menu, linking to any location you like.

Paypal Donation

Get donation for your services or a cause directly from your website.

Autosave & Site History

Never lose your work anymore, we save it for you on a regular basis. View all changes you have made on your website with the Site History function.

Images And Videos

Image elements

Upload your images to your Media Library, or use our free Stock Photos which will help you create the site you will like.

Video Galleries

Video content can also be displayed in Grid galleries, styled with effects.

Custom Image scaling

You can select the way any image in your site is scaled. It can be stretched, centered, cropped, fit and more.

Video elements

Place YouTube or Vimeo videos directly on your site. You have the freedom to choose all settings to change the way it will be viewed by your visitors.

Premium stock photos

You have available premium stock images. Use them freely and make the vision of your website even more appealing.

Picture Galleries

Our platform offers to add a variety of presentation variations of your images using different styles of sliders and rotators.

Image link

Make an image as a link to other content or page.

Drag And Drop

Unlimited Drag'n'Drop

Take complete control over the website look and organize everything instantly. You can control how much space anything on the webpage takes and drag each element anywhere you wish.

Personal Domain

Multiple domain support

From one account you can integrate limitless domains regardless of whether they are bought from us or from other hosting companies.

Complete domain mapping

After purchasing your annual subscription, you can map your own domain to your site.

Personal domain

Free custom domain is included in all annual subscription with OXXY.

Social Presence

Social sharing

Our platfrom supports a configurable sharing buttons that you can integrate wherever you wish. This will let your visitors share content from your site to their profiles in most social channels: Facebook Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Blogger, Reddit, Tumblr , Вконтакте.

Twitter Share, Follow, Mention, Hashtag elements

Track your hashtags to see whether twitterers follow your brand or mention your company. You can take advantage of the growing popularity of social channels like Twitter to expand the range of your interests and reach new followers.

Facebook Comments elements

It is possible to connect Facebook comments to your website to encourage feedbacks and discussions. You can thus extend the circle of people talking about you on Facebook and let followers feature your content on their profiles.

Facebook Like, Follow, Share elements, Facebook Open Graph Support

Facebook makes it easy to keep up with businesses, movements and more, so integrating the above elements will connect yourself and your website to your visitors.

Google+ 1, Follow, Share, Badge elements

If you need to add Google + follow buttons, badge to attract actual visitors and connect with their circle members, it is really recommended and engaging.

SEO Ready

SEO text headers (h1-h6)

The heading element describes the topic of the selection it introduces. There are six elements of headings where h1 is the most important and h6 the least.

SEO customizable page Title

It is normally visible in the title of the tab on your browser when you are viewing a page and have great impact on the SEO.

SEO customizable page URL

This is the second most important thing that appears in the search results below the title of your page and literally provides a link pointing to a web page.

SEO customizable metatags for each page. Keywords, Description

You can use this feature to provide Google with important information for your pages, so it can recognize your content and filter it in the search results. You can add and edit keywords/ description of your page any time to improve findability and ranking.

SEO image alt texts and titles

The alt (alternative) attribute provides additional information about an image if it is not visible for some reason for the reader. It can be used by search engines to determine the content of the image and insures that no information is lost.

Attract More Site Visitors

Oxxy provides a reliably created pages programmed to be readable by search engines, so you do not need to start from scratch when optimizing your website. We give you loads of free information on how to take it further and improve your rankings.


You do not need to worry about robots.txt as they are automatically generated by us to block the parts of the website you want to hide, from crawling and indexing.

Clean URLs

Oxxy provides friendly and structural URLs for your web pages to allow search engines to spider your site.

Indexed and Searchable

SEO integrations and clean URLs make your new site to be indexed by search engines.

No Plugins Necessary

There is no additional plugins that need to be installed for your new website.


Google Maps elements

Place Google maps in your contacts page or wherever you like. You have a complete freedom to change all the elements in the maps, from the zoom controls to the exact location of the marker, if the address is not displayed on the exact location. It is possible not to center the map on the marker if you decide to do that.

Contact Form element

Easily provide a way for your visitors to contact you. Use the fully configurable contact form and place it on any page you like.


Premium phone support

Our company now provides direct phone support for its users to give you peace of mind. You can ask for technical support or customer service and our team of professionals will assist you. If you like to add premium phone support check our Ecommerce plan deal.

Learning center

Tutorials, step-by-step demos - You have free access to our carefully planned activities and materials that are there to help you achieve your goals. To explore the help and support centre, please visit our help center page

Email support

We offer email support that is dedicated to cut time for you and responds to request as quickly as possible. You can send your enquiry to the corresponding team for a prompt answer.

Help center

Our help centre provides users with all our contact details and knowledge base with tutorials, FAQs and videos to help you with your struggles.

Live chat support

Our live chat support includes weekdays 7am till 5pm GMT.

Website Analytics

Smart 3rd party service support

Our plans give you a connection to Google Analytics so you can monitor your site performance and develop strategies for the future.

Account Management

Multiple websites management

You can publish multiple websites using OXXY from one account. If you have more than one website, they need to be purchased with separate packages of your demand. You will receive a special discount on all packages from your account if more than one. Depending on your needs, there are many possibilities available.


There are no commercials from Oxxy against your site. You can start running your own campaigns and popularize your business with your own website. If you like to get rid of the ads, you can upgrade your account into a paid plan of your choice.

More storage and bandwidth

Oxxy makes it possible to upload all the images, videos and content you want with more space and bandwidth. If you need more, please feel free to upgrade to the next available plan to meet your needs.

Ownership, Reliance And Security

No surprises

There is no additional prices, contacts or commitments to what is shown for our monthly and annual plans, no card details up front when testing our products. If you have further questions before buying, do not hesitate to contact us.

Content Ownership

You have all the ultimate rights to all the content you put on the website including but not limited to text, images, photos, videos. Please visit our Terms and conditions page if you want to learn more.

Privacy protected

The confidentiality and privacy of your data is securely protected from the established appropriate technical safeguards against any threats or hazards. Oxxy does not share any information to third parties for financial proceeds or other purposes.

Automatic Scaling

Auto scaling is geared towards resolving common problems, such as higher than expected traffic, to ensure your site is up and protected from hardware failures.

Mobile version

Mobile version of your website

Create a separate version of your website that is optimized for smartphones.

Fully customizable

Edit the style of all your pages via the Mobile Editor, so that they can be fully optimized for mobile devices.

Optimized for search engines

Boost your rankings with a fully optimized for search engines mobile version of your website.


Up to 20 E-Mail Accounts with your own domain

Create up to 20 email accounts and make your business look professional with personalized mailboxes like [email protected] or [email protected].

Countless E-Mail Aliases

Create as much email aliases as you wish. Alias is a forwarding email address that allows you to receive in your inbox mails sent to several different addresses.

Advanced E-Mail Filters, Spam Settings and Auto Responders

Enhance your user experience by adding mail filters, adjusting spam settings and creating auto responders. This will help you better organize and respond faster to all incoming emails.

View your email on other devices or connect it to other web clients

Access your mailbox in the most convenient way. You can either do that through our webmail or you can connect your email account to other mail clients like Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird. You can easily access your mailbox on other devices, such as smartphones or tablets.

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