9 Hobbies That Could Make the Best Small Business

Some people believe that turning your hobby into a business is the ultimate way to achieve work-life balance and long-time happiness. Finding a way to make a living by doing what you truly love

Top 5 Web Design Trends for 2016

2016 is lurking around the corner and that means that you need to get familiar with all the new trends that are going to rule the web in the next year (or maybe the

Top Web Designers to Follow on Twitter

A while ago we published an article about the top sources of web design inspiration. There we told you that one of the best ways to find inspiration about your next project and keep

Is SEO losing its popularity among small business owners?

One of the major issues that small business owners need to solve when they create a website for their company is where the traffic will come from in the future. Usually, to get traffic

9 Small Business Website Mistakes you Need to Avoid

Starting a new business requires a lot to be taken care of. That’s the reason why many small business owners overlook their online presence. But with the advance of technology the internet presents a