Mobile Version

Oxxy provides a powerful solution for users that want their website to appear great not only on desktop, but also on mobile devices. Our Mobile Editor allows you to simply create a separate version to be displayed on smartphones.

You can easily reorder, resize and hide elements from the mobile version of your website, so that its design can be fully optimized for mobile devices. In the same time the design and structure of your desktop site remains unchanged.

Keep in mind that in order to use the Mobile Editor you first need to create your desktop site as the mobile view allows you only to resize, rearrange and hide the elements, not add new ones.

Entering the Mobile Editor

To enter the Mobile Editor click on the Mobile View icon on the left of the editor: Mobile Editor icon

Moving the elements

The Mobile Editor allows you to move all the elements to another location on your page. To do it, simply click on a certain element and drag it wherever you want.

Bring to front and bring to back

In the Mobile Editor you can bring the elements in front of or behind another. To do so click on an element so that its menu will appear. To bring an element to the front click the first icon – Bring Group to front: Bring Group to front

To bring an element to the back click the second icon – Bring Group to back: Bring Group to back

Resizing the elements

In the Mobile Editor you can resize all the elements so that they fit well on your mobile pages. To do so click on the element so that its resizing handles will appear. Hold a resizing handle and drag it to resize the element.

Hiding the elements

The Mobile Editor allows you to hide certain elements, if you don'’'t want them to appear on your mobile pages. To hide an element, select it and click the Hide from mobile icon (the third button In the element'’'s menu): Hide from mobile icon

You can find all the hidden elements by opening the Hidden Widgets section on the left side of the mobile editor: Hidden Widgets icon

From there you can easily restore each of the hidden elements by clicking the Show widget button: Show widget icon

You can also see a preview of each hidden element by hovering it with the mouse in the Hidden Widgets section.

When you first switch to the mobile view of your website you will notice that some elements are missing from your pages. The reason is that all shapes (circle, box, strip, horizontal and vertical line) are hidden by default and you can find them in the Hidden Widgets section. You can restore them from there at any time.

Navigating through site pages

Navigating through your site pages in the mobile editor is the same as in the desktop version. To switch to another page, simply open the All pages panel and select the page you want to edit.

Enabling the Mobile View

By default your desktop site will also be displayed on mobile devices. If you want smartphone users to view the mobile version of your website, you need to first enable it.

To do so, go to the Site Settings panel of your website and check the Enable mobile site box: Enable mobile site

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