Manage elements menu

Manage elements menu

Each element has its individual menu for customization that allows you to set settings, style it and make it your own. Just select the element you want to customize and the menu will be displayed at the top right corner. You will find out that some functionalities on the menu are present for all elements. These are:

  • Bring group to front – it allows you to bring one element in front of another.
  • Bring group to background – select this icon to move the element behind another.
  • Lock – locking your element prevents it from being accidentally modified while your site is being edited on the HTML editor.
  • Show on all pages – here you have three options – to show an element on all pages, to unpin it from other pages but the current one, to unpin only from the page you are on.
  • Delete – once you click on the Delete icon, your element will be removed from the HTML editor.

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