How to Best Organize Your Small Business Website (Part I)

small business website

The most effective websites are those that make it easy for the visitors to find what they are looking for while in the same time being visually appealing. This means that besides thinking of how you can make your website more attractive, you can also spend enough of your time organizing the content.

To make it easier for you, we’ve collected this list of essential small business website features and divided them into different categories based on where on your website you should put them.

Things to put in your header:

  1. Logo

If you have a professional logo that you love and want to be identified with your company, you definitely need to put it in your website header. Your logo is the main aspect of your visual brand identity and that’s why you need to make it as clearly visible as possible. Keep in mind as well that there need to synergy between your logo and your whole design at least in terms of colors

  1. Navigation

When creating your website you need to make sure that there are no hidden pages (unless you want that on purpose) and that visitors will very easy find what they are looking for. The best way to that is by placing your navigation in your website header and not in some other crowded area of your pages.

  1. Social Media icons

People love brands that are on social media. And that’s why serious companies invest in social media marketing. It’s essential that you make your website social media friendly by putting links to your social media pages and the best place to put them is your website header as it will make them visible without interfering with the other content on your homepage.

  1. Some basic contact information (phone number or email address)

You put your contact information on your Contacts page. That’s clear. But some basic contact info in your header could be very beneficial as well. This will clearly show your visitors that you can be reached which is a great sign of reliability.

  1. Tagline

This is optional but if you want to do it, the best place is your header. If you have a slogan or a short tagline, you can put it next to your logo. Having a powerful tagline could be pretty beneficial for your business. You can use it to show to unique advantage of your company and how you are better than your competitors.

Things to put in your footer:

  1. Copyright

Do not forget about the legal aspects of website building. Make sure to include the copyright sign and the year.

  1. Basic contact information

If you don’t want to put contact information in the header, you can do it in the footer as well. You can put a phone number, an email address and even a contact form if you have enough place.

  1. Second navigation

Many web designers put a second navigation in the footer. If you have many pages and don’t want to make your main navigation too big, you can create a second one and put in your website footer. This way you will keep your main navigation clear and up to the point without losing the ability to provide fast access to all your pages.

  1. Social media icons

If you don’t want to put social media icons in your header, you can do it in your footer. Another great option is to put the main social media profiles you use in the header and make them easily visible and spare some space in the footer for the other.

Things to put on your homepage

  1. Headline

Make sure to put an easily visible headline on your homepage. This is most probably the first thing people will read on your website. Remember that you have no more than 8-10 seconds to impress your visitors. This means that your headline should clearly show what you are offering and why you are unique.

  1. CTA

Your call-to-action (CTA) should be placed directly after your headline. In fact, these are the most important parts of your homepage that you should put above the fold (i.e. on the part of your homepage that you don’t need to scroll to see).

  1. Social proof

Testimonials are a great way to show why your company is worth working with. The reason why testimonials are effective is that every business depends heavily on word of mouth. Testimonials strengthen your credibility and make you a reliable partner in the eyes of potential customers. It’s great to put them on your homepage and usually you need to do it below the fold as their not a main but rather a supporting element of your website.

  1. Glimpse of what you offer

People love visuals. A single image is worth a thousand words. No matter how great you describe what you offer, it’s always better to show it. So, no matter what your company does, whether you sell products or services or it’s B2B or B2C, it’s a good idea to put several images on your homepage.

Things to put on your About us page

  1. Your logo

You need to use every chance of making people identify your company with your logo and your whole branding. This means that on your About us page it’s a very good idea to place your logo along with all the other relevant information.

  1. Information about your management team

People are way more likely to work with companies that have a human face. Instead of placing the regular information about what your companies do, include a piece of text about the people in your company. Show their faces, tell their story and your potential customer will surely appreciate that.

  1. Your story

Don’t just write what you do, tell your story. People want to know why you started, what struggles you’ve had and why you continue doing it. This is another way to show that you are a real person with real struggles and dreams.

  1. Your vision and goals

Another thing you better include in your About us page is what you believe in, what’s your vision of the futures and what you are trying to achieve.

Things to put on your Contacts page

  1. Your physical address

No matter whether you have a physical location where customers could come and visit you, or you are operating your business entirely online, you should include your registered address on your Contacts page. This way you will clearly show that

  1. Your phone number

Real companies have a phone number and could be easily reached. Don’t just place a contact form and expect that you can go with it.

  1. Email address

Most people prefer writing an email address, so you should make it possible for them to easily get in touch with you. If you have several departments, include the email address of each of them.

  1. Contact form

Of course, you should have a contact form as well, but it should supplement all other means of getting in touch with you and not stand alone.

  1. Links to social media channels

Nowadays many people prefer to just reach out via social media. You shouldn’t miss this chance of contacting existing and potential customers, so it’s a good idea to clearly state in your Contacts page that you should be reached via social media.

  1. Working hours

Make sure to include working hours as well. This is essential for businesses with physical locations, but it’s also a good idea for everybody. It’s always useful to specify exactly at what times you could be reached, otherwise you risk a bunch of angry customers complaining why you don’t answer during the weekend.

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