entrepreneurship Archive

Failure vs. Success: How to start and run a startup without ruining it

You will most certainly agree that creating a startup is hard work. Running it is even tougher. Many entrepreneurs that are now successful have once failed with their previous attempts. Want a few examples?

12 Great Small Business Tools Every Entrepreneur Needs To Get Familiar With

Being a small business owner nowadays involves having a lot of skills. As your team is small in the beginning you will need to incorporate many functions – you will most likely act as

Home Based Business Opportunities You Can Realize Using Oxxy

As we have said before, home based business is a very popular thing nowadays. With the growing popularity of technology and various online tools you can easily set up a business and manage it

8 Creative Home Based Business Opportunities for 2015

There are plenty of reasons for starting your own home based business. Some people do it to earn extra money beside their career, others don’t feel like working in an office and, of course,

Trying things you always thought are inappropriate

Many people view entrepreneurship as inappropriate. A lot of critique is saying that being financially independent is controversial, outrageous and stupid because what are the odds you will succeed even if you have the