5 Tips On Making Your Website Social Media Friendly

We have already talked about the importance of social media in your whole marketing and SEO strategy. In the recent years there has been a lot of discussion among marketers whether social signals are

12 Great Small Business Tools Every Entrepreneur Needs To Get Familiar With

Being a small business owner nowadays involves having a lot of skills. As your team is small in the beginning you will need to incorporate many functions – you will most likely act as

Biggest Myths About Creating a Website

If you are not into web design and web development, it is totally normal that you have some false assumptions about website building. That is why we decided to dedicate some time and bust

The Begginer’s Guide To Promoting a Website

Having already created your new website, you will now need to promote it. Visitors will not come without some effort from your side. We can even say that creating your website is the easiest

Top Consumer Growth Hacking Tactics

Growth hacking has become widely popular as a marketing strategy among start-ups in the recent years. The idea of using the strength of social media and SEO instead spending a lot bigger budget for