How the website color schemes affect our perceptions?

Creating a website with a website builder is not a rocket engineering work. No programming, no coding, just you and your favourite platform. Still it needs a subtle touch. The design and flexibility are

Introducing Reservation.Tools: Helping restaurants and nightlife locations handle reservations

One of Oxxy’s primary goals is to always deliver great products to help businesses grow and thrive. Be it with a website builder that enables you to create the perfect online presence or something

The Practical Guide on Picking a Domain Name For Your Site

One of the first things to do before creating your website is picking a domain name for it. Many people overlook that step but in our opinion it is a huge mistake to not

5 Tips On Making Your Website Social Media Friendly

We have already talked about the importance of social media in your whole marketing and SEO strategy. In the recent years there has been a lot of discussion among marketers whether social signals are

12 Great Small Business Tools Every Entrepreneur Needs To Get Familiar With

Being a small business owner nowadays involves having a lot of skills. As your team is small in the beginning you will need to incorporate many functions – you will most likely act as