8 Successful Entrepreneurs who Started Later in Life

What comes to your mind when you think of successful entrepreneurs these days? Probably Mark Zuckerburg. He launched Facebook in his Harvard dorm room in 2004 and became a billionaire at the age of 23 in 2007. Or perhaps Evan Spiegel – the CEO of Snapchat was born in 1990 and is currently the youngest billionaire at the age of just 25.

If we take a closer look at the media, you will notice that such stories about successful young entrepreneurs are all around us. And maybe this is the reason why the popular image of the entrepreneur is a young man in his twenties running a multi-billion company based in the Valley.

But things are way different and, in fact, success knows no limits. Certainly not in terms of age. Key Retirement has created a nice infographic showing 8 people that have started their entrepreneurial career later in life but still managed to become one of the most successful leaders of their time.

Just look at these names and remember: It’s never too late for success!

Did you know self-employed workers over the age of 50 are on the rise? Some of the most popular and profitable companies saw success when their creators were in this age range, see who they were with the infographic from Key Retirement