How to Share Your Content on Different Social Media (Infographic)

Social media is the first place to share your content if you want to gain more exposure. We even dedicated a whole article about cheap advertising on social media. One of the most important things to consider if you want to be succesful is to understand where and what to share.

Each social media has its own specific characteristics and a different type of audience. That means that different types of content perform differently. We found a great infographic created by Kent State University and shared on Visually about the specifics of each of the major social media. Moreover, the infographic is full of actionable tips.

Some of the most important things we found out from the info and a few tips from on how to properly share your content for maximum results:

  • Photos on Facebook generate way more engagement than other types of content.
  • The highest traffic occurs mid-week between 1PM and 3PM. According to many experts if you want to boost your reach and engagement, you should try to post during non-peak hours. The reason is that during peak hours your post must deal with the most possible competition and that means it will get a lower percentage of online users.
  • The top industry that has won new customers through Facebook is retail.
  • Tweets with hashtag recieve twice more engagement than tweets without such.
  • The best time to tweet is during the afternoon or the early evening.
  • Shorter YouTube videos perform better. Almost half of the users stop watching a video after 1 minute.
  • 2 out 3 Twitter users think that it is a good idea to watch videos from brands.
  • The top interests on Pinterest in the U.S are crafts, gifts, hobbies, leisure, interior design and fashion. That means that if you are part of those industries or close to them, you definitely need to be on Pinterest.

Check out more in Kent State University’s infographic below:

Where to Share Your Viral Content - Get the Best Results Out of Your Content